Biosecurity Guide



Animal Health


Best farm location - high ground with natural drainage.

Distance of the farm is min. 2 km away from public roads (roadways, waterways and railways).

Min. 2 km distance from other farms and buildings.

Detailed map of the property with boundaries, roadways, waterways, buildings and production area is important for the external biosecurity.

Farm must be isolated with a well maintained fence (or other boundary).

Warning signs for the controlled and restricted zones are a good reminder to keep people from trespassing.

Parking areas should be arranged outside controlled zone.

Well managed vegetation reduces the population of wildlife.

All entrances to the farm must be locked and secured.

Unloading and loading bays should be established in a location that minimizes disease introduction and spread.

Cleaning and disinfection areas are properly located.

Properly positioned ventilation minimize the risk of pathogen spreading.

Controlled and restricted areas are established.

Access to the production zones is restricted.

Cleaning and disinfecting units for boots at every entrance to the production buildings.

Written, practical biosecurity plan is available.

The biosecurity plan is monitored, reviewed and updated according to the current situation.

Biosecurity workflow patterns are followed (from young to old, from healthy to sick).

Different animal categories are kept in segregated areas.

Visitors are controlled and guided.

Dedicated outwear and footwear is provided to visitors, which is also maintained and stored correctly.

Essential transport vehicles entering the production zone follow strict cleaning and disinfecting protocols. No sharing transport vehicles between farms.

Animal feed is sourced from a quality-assured supplier; storage secured.

Water quality meets human potable standards and tested regularly.

Bedding materials are sourced from a quality-assured supplier; storage secured.

Buildings are in a good shape, repaired and secured.

Pest management program is applied and followed strictly both inside and outside the buildings.

Written manure management plan for the farm; manure deposit over 500m away from the farm.

Protocols and practices established for sick and dead animals. Sick animal waste should be treated as high risk materials.

Downtimes between production cycles are optimized and controlled.

Create written cleaning and disinfection program.
Animal Health

Written animal health and welfare management plan.

Prophylactic program in conformity with the regional and national programs.

Strict quarantine for new/returned animals.

Require health certificates and protocols for incoming animals.

New animals/semen are sourced from reputable suppliers.

Livestock is inspected daily.

Maintain production, health and movement records.

Essential transport vehicles entering the production zone follow strict cleaning and disinfecting protocols. No sharing transport vehicles between farms.

Animal movement is planned and recorded.

Any treatments are performed in order to avoid disease transmission.

Sick animals and their products are isolated.

Mortality tested when necessary.

Program for antibiotics reduction exists and followed.

Antibiotic sensitivity test performed for minimizing developing of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Locked room for vaccinations and medicines.

Available program for management of empty medicines and vaccination containers/bottles etc.

Depopulation plan (every 10 years for at least 6 months).

Slaughterhouse report available for animal health evaluation.
Cleaning and Disinfection

Written washing and disinfecting instructions for the employee’s knowledge and disposal.

Replace vehicle and boot disinfection baths regularly.

Prewash stables for removal of visible feed residues, manure etc.

Foam wash all equipment after prewash.

Rinse off the soap after foaming.

Remove water puddles before disinfection. Allow to dry.

Clean and disinfect stables, equipment and tools with every rotation.

Replace or disinfect toys for animals (for ex. Fun bar station).

Use heated water for washing, foaming and disinfection.

Dry off disinfected areas before animals are placed in.

Regularly clean and disinfect all equipment used in the production (feed trucks, buckets, bowls etc.).

All disinfectants must be stored in a locked room with no possibility of freezing.
This application is for information(visualization) purpose only and cannot be used as a biosecurity assessment guide.