SeoFoss - Managing slurry
Products / SeoFoss
5. June 2022

SeoFoss - Managing slurry

Managing slurry in stables and slurry channels may represent a major challenge. It takes a lot of energy and time to pump and stir the slurry, and sometimes the channels can end up being blocked.

SeoFoss is a slurry additive that gives easier handling of slurry and improves the yield per hectare

It is a 100% natural product, which makes the slurry more homogenous. Sediments and floating crusts are easier to mix and the flow in the slurry channels will improve. SeoFoss binds ammonia and therefore also reduces smell.


Benefits with SeoFoss

  • Easy and safe handling of slurry
  • Improved slurry homogeneity
  • Floating layer on slurry tanks - no ammonia evaporation
  • Binds ammonia - better nitrogen yield
  • Reduces odour
  • Easy to use
  • Simplifies work processes
  • Can be used in organic production

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SeoFoss improves the yield per hectare

SEGES trials (average 2016-2018) show that you gain 140 kg additional wheat per hectare when you use SeoFoss.

It has been demonstrated that SeoFoss binds additional ammonium nitrogen, thus increasing the yield per hectare with 140 kg wheat. With the current prices of wheat, this ensures a multiplied return of invest. Further, the improved utilization of nitrogen has a positive impact on the environment.

Experiences from Storde biogas plant in Denmark

"We got more methane from our products compared to before. In addition to the changed production, the degassed manure is now much more homogeneous. The top solid layer is now far firmer than it was before. The manure is easier to handle.” Henning Nissen

Learn more about Henning's experiences here.


Trial result from Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Futterkamp, Germany

The trial test shows that SeoFoss helps the slurry from store cattle to become significantly more homogeneous and less viscous. Deposits and a dried-up floating crust are almost non-existent. Pumping and stirring of the slurry is, therefore, substantially improved. This saves money and time in connection with the pumping of slurry into the slurry tank as well as in connection with mixing before spreading. 


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