Our Knowledge / World Class Pig

Weaning without medical zinc

Since June 2022, medicinal zinc is no longer permitted in weaning feed.

Some farmers were early gaining experiences without the use of medical zinc, others have sought information about the process.

From Vilofoss we want to make it absolutely clear that no product has yet been invented that one-for-one is able to replace the function that medicinal zinc has in weaning food. Will there be such a product? Maybe, but until then we at Vilofoss will look into how pig production can manage to produce the best pigs in the world – and that is without the use of medicinal zinc in the weaning feed.

We would be lying if we claimed that the phasing out of medical zinc will be easy, but it is also important to emphasize that it is not an insurmountable task.

Medical zinc or not - the goal for Vilofoss is the same: We must support pig producers in producing world class pigs. Therefore, Vilofoss has drawn up six recommendations, which should help the farmer to achieve precisely this goal.


The ‘World Class Pig’ concept is Vilofoss' six recommendations, having their focal point on the routines concerning every aspect of the pig, and the points we particularly focus on are: