22. October 2021

Experience with Stalosan in a poultry farm in France

Jérôme DELOUCHE is a French farmer with 42,000 free-range chicken farm. He has been using Stalosan F for a year to improve the building atmosphere, bedding and sanitary pressure in the farm.

Farmer: Jérôme DELOUCHE  poultry farm

Location: 45260 Coudroy France

Farm: 42,000 heads of free range chickens 






What he shares about his experience with Stalosan

"I have been using Stalosan F for a year to improve the building atmosphere, bedding and sanitary pressure. I apply it at 50 gr/m2 before the mulching and the arrival of the chicks, then at 2 or 3 days of age of the chicks and again at 10 days. I make the first application with a thermal blower and then I spread it by hand every two weeks. I found that the litter does not crumble, and I do winter batches without repotting, whereas before I repotted once or twice. I also saw an improvement in the condition of the legs and less pododermatitis. Plus, the atmosphere in the building is better as well with less ammonia. The drop in bacterial pressure probably explains why there are fewer cases of enteritis and no respiratory problems."
 poultry farm  poultry farm