FarrowPulse makes farrowing easier
2. October 2020

FarrowPulse makes farrowing easier

FarrowPulse is a compound feed for sows before farrowing. Its main objective is to reduce the number of stillborn piglets by providing a better muscle tonicity in sows. FarrowPulse also has other interesting properties including an increase in milk production.

About FarrowPulse
FarrowPulse was created by the Vilofoss research team in 2017.
The principle of FarrowPulse is based on a drop in dietary electrolyte balance (dEB) of 100 units by adding calcium chloride.
At farrowing, the sow mobilizes calcium in the blood to strengthen muscle contractions. Calcium is also necessary to start and maintain the milk production. A lack of calcium availability increases the risk of long farrowing duration and reduces the milk production.
A decrease in sow feed dEB of 80-100 units contributes to stimulate the release of calcium from the bones – compared to gestating feed 5 to 7 days before farrowing. Furthermore, it decreases the pH of urine and thus reducing the number of bacteria in the urine.
These different effects all contribute to less stillborn piglets.

Testimonial from Benoit Tanguy, Director of SAS Kerjean in Taulé Britany in France.

1000 sow farm, breeder, fattener structure in Britany.

Results of 1st cycle 2020

Totalt born per litter 16.25
Born alive per litter 14.8
Still-born piglets/litter 1.45
% still-born/totalt born 8.9
Weaning piglets/litter 13
Weaning weight/litter 94.9 kg

Benoit Tanguy says: "We’ve been using FarrowPulse from Vilofoss on Top Feeding since march 2019. We were looking for less stillborn per litter and an easier farrowing for all sow litter ranking. We distribute Farrowpulse 7 days before and 3 days after farrowing before the soup meal."

"We observed through the performance index from 2018 to June 2020 a stability in the number of stillborn piglets despite an increase in total born piglets which is on average 16.25 piglets on the first cycle 2020. The start of lactation is better. We currently practice very few allotments at farrowing, that greatly limits the work."

"Since we started Farrowpulse, the average weight per litter increased from 88.25 kg in 2018 to 91.43 kg in 2019 and 94.9 kg in 2020. Lactation is of better quality without loss weight of sows (measured results)."

"Weight losses for weaning at 4 weeks are homogeneous and contained to a maximum of 3 to 4 mm. Sows return to heat better. The insemination period is more clustered and the number of anoestrus sows has dropped significantly, especially in summer and autumn, periods that were more difficult to manage before."

With a recommended dose of 100 gr / sow / day or 1 kg per sow over 10 days, the investment of 3.5 € pays off very quickly.

Contact :
Philippe Meunier
Manager of Pig Activity