20. October 2016

Stalosan F powder VS pathogens

By Plamen Bochukov, Vilofoss

І. Purpose:

Evaluation of Stalosan F economical efficacy in broiler breeders, concerning morbidity, and litter quality.


Farm faces bad litter condition during the winter time, due to cold weather, excess moisture in the litter, leading to higher mortality and medications of antibiotics, bad production results and high economic losses. Primary E.coli infection and secondary associated infections are observed. Birds are treated with: fluoroquinolones, colistin and tetracycline’s.

II. Materials and method:

1. Poultry broiler breeder farm located in northwestern Bulgaria, two stages – from day-old chicks to reared pullets and broiler breeders for hatching eggs production.

- Capacity of the farm - 22 000 productive broiler ROSS 308. Four buildings situated in one place.

- Area of each building - 1000 m². Management – floor system

- Density - 5.5 birds per m². 10% roosters in the flock. Nesting boxes - 4.5 birds per nest

- Bedding material – straw.

- Big Dutchman feeding and watering equipment. Fankom climate control system.

 2. Stalosan F – dry broad-spectrum disinfectant applied during the part of production cycle in presence of animals.

- Application method – 5 kg capacity tube spreader with a battery powered hand drill.

 3. Trial period – 1 months, started on 01.04.2016 and finished on 05.05.2016

- Stalosan F applied to one flock, situated in 1 building.

- Trial results compared to the previous results of the same breeder flock before Stalosan F application.

- Total Stalosan F consumption – 250 kg


IІІ. Trial design:


Date Month Stalosan F powder
Treated surface of building (m2) Amount of Stalosan per sq. m(grams) Total amount (kg)
01.04.2016 April 2016 1000 50 50
04.04.2016 1000 50 50
07.04.2016 1000 50 50
18.04.2016 1000 50 50
30.04.2016 1000 50 50
Total Stalosan F: 250g/m2 250 kg


Stalosan F applied over the litter in presence of birds. Three times in first week. After that with pauses of 11-12 days between every each application - 5 application in total.

IV. Trial results

1. Mortality and antibiotics treatments:

Female mortality No birds % mortality total birds % mortality male mortality No of birds % mortality total birds %mortality
before Stalosan F Feb-16 71 1,43% 263 5,28% before Stalosan F Feb-16 40 5,67% 85 11,79%
Mar-16 192 3,94% Mar-16 45 6,76%
with Stalosan F Apr-16 59 1,26% 108 2,21% with Stalosan F Apr-16 18 2,80% 25 3,89%
May-16 49 1,06% May-16 7 1,16%
reduction of mortality -155 -59,94% reduction of mortality -60 -70,59%


Stalosan F improved mortality with about 59% for the hens and about 70% for the roosters. 


During Feb-March 2016 flock was treated with antibiotics and vitamins regarding increased mortality of birds. From 01 of April medication of antibiotics were terminated. In same date applications of Stalosan F powder was started.

Observed had been a good synergism between the effects of Stalosan F and antibiotics. Stalosan F terminates the future needs of use of antibiotics. Dramatically reduction of antibiotics treatments with 82 %. 

Flocks Number of antibiotics treatments and duration of medications Total days treatments

Reduction of antibiotics treatment in %

No1 No2 No3
Before Stalosan F 3 days 7 days 7 days 17 days
With Stalosan F 3 days 0 0 3 days 82,35%


Before Stalosan F With Stalosan F Difference
€ 909,22 € 168,38 - €740,84 -81,48%

Powerful sanitizing effect of Stalosan F to the environmental was observed. Reduction with over 80% of medication costs after start of Stalosan F powder applications.



Total obtained losses Total euro
Obtained losses regarding mortality of birds before Stalosan F € 4.517,04
Obtained losses regarding realized losses of hatching eggs € 4.359,84
Medication costs € 909,22
Total: € 9.789,10

Calculations do not include value, which is coming from day-old chicks.

Costs after Stalosan F application's Total in euro
Stalosan F powder 250 kg € 397,44
Medication costs € 168,38
TOTAL: € 565,82



Return of investment (Roi) 17,30



  • Stalosan F powder has powerful sanitizing effect. This effect is observed instantaneous after its application.
  • There is a synergistic effect between Stalosan F and the use of antibiotics in the treatment of sophisticated and repetitive infections in a breeding herds.
  • Stalosan F decreases the use of antibiotics, and hence the possibility of the formation of the resistance of bacteria against antibiotics.
  • Stalosan F has an extremely low cost at its inclusion in preventive programs in breeding herds
  • Stalosan F is safe for use in human and animal presence, as well as the surrounding environment