Stalosan application in porker/slaughter hog units
After wash (see weaning, etc.) blow out Stalosan F before placing the pigs in the pens and then 1–2 times a week depending on the need/risk of infection (e.g. Lawsonia twice a week for 3–4 weeks, then preventive once until the animals have passed the peak risk of infection in 30 kg pigs, which is approx. 15–20 days after transfer).
In case of severe (mycoplasma) arthritis, Stalosan has also been proven to have good results in many herds.
It is always a good idea to use Stalosan when transferring animals, as a risk of infection and stress can trigger harmful elements in the animal housing (coli, Lawsonia, etc.)
The most frequent mode of infection transmission is in the animal pen walkways. Failure to focus on the ABCs of modes of transmission may result in major problems in controlling the risk of infection (transport in the correct direction from small animals towards larger ones).
Growing-finishing pigs 30-98 kg. - about 500 grams(1.1 pounds) per pig.
Continued use once a week. We estimate 1.27 pen places per m² together with path walks, hospital pens etc.
Example: A house of 450 m2 is estimated as 570 pen places. Four batches a year can be produced i.e. in total 2,280 growing-finishing pigs weighing 30-98 kg. The consumption of Stalosan F is 50 g x450m2 x 52 weeks. This is about 1200 kg Stalosan F per year. Distributed on 2,280 growing-finishing pigs results in about 500 g per growing-finishing pig.
Compare with the feed consumption it results of about 3kg feed less to even it out. The grower-finisher eats about 190 kg. So, you need to save 1,57% or about a daily ration. The purpose of Stalosan F treatment is to improve the environment in the house by reducing the infection risk, ammonia emissions, dry out damp areas etc. The combination of all these advantages leads to a better performance and thus much more money earned, compared to Stalosan F cost.